Modern media can be a tricky little bugger. Just when you think you’ve spotted all the little messages and hints that try to get into your home where they can…
Recent Newsletters
Conversations with the Heart – Part 3: Intention Setting from the Heart
As all of the holiday festivities and traditions of 2015 come to a close and we prepare for the opening of 2016, another tradition is waiting for us….resolutions for the…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, January 4, 2016 Live in the present and prepare for the future…a future of possibilities, relationships, hobbies, hope, and healthy and fulfilling experiences. At times, the thought of leaving…
Conversations with the Heart Series – Part 2: The Courageous Heart
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, December 21, 2015 “People whose play lives have been vibrant, have buffers against travail and suffer less when major change is thrust upon them. Play produces poise and strength….
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, December 14, 2015 Many women with eating disorders have lost an interest in hobbies, relationships, and participating in things that once gave them a sense of accomplishment. Their passions…
Center for Change News December 2015
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, December 7, 2015 Discovering our capabilities and our human potential to overcome, adapt, and, navigate through hard and uncomfortable situations is the foundation for Self-Awareness Week. We are constantly…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, November 30, 2015 Self-Acceptance does not come from our achievements. Our achievements are products of our values, qualities, and characteristics. For example, the successful gardener is hard working, persistent,…
Even a Penny Can Make a Difference
This past week Center For Change held a community event to provide assistance to the Provo Community Action Foodbank. While working with the Foodbank volunteers, we were informed that for…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
How do you define failure? Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, said “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Is failure a final…
Thoughts on Embracing Flaws
I, as you, have trouble admitting the sad fact that I am an imperfect human being. A human being capable of sleeping through the alarm, spilling blue nail polish on…
Meditation as a Recovery Method: Time for a Little Consideration
Individuals who are suffering from eating disorders respond to different approaches to recovery. This is only natural, since we all have different personalities and life experiences. While we most often…
Conversations with the Heart Series – Part 1: The Heart in Mind
Most of us are seeking happiness, love, peace, joy… and let’s not forget freedom from the internal turmoil that so often plagues us. The heart, both physical and figurative, bears…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, October 26, 2015 Striving for excellence and setting goals are healthy pursuits. When, however, expectations become unrealistically high, one starts to reach for the unachievable and impossible notion of…
Living Life with No Regrets
Everyone has one life, so it’s important to make yours great. One of the best ways to ensure a great life is to live with no regrets. When looking at…
Creating Your Own Happily Ever After
All good stories feature heroes who conquer adversity, vanquish the foe, and ride off into their happily ever after. These tales have similarities to real life- we all go through…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Through communication we share our thoughts, feelings, needs, and interests. We do this in many ways including speech, writing, body language, dress and appearance, what we listen to, and what…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Discovering our capabilities and our human potential to overcome, adapt, and, navigate through hard and uncomfortable situations is the foundation for Self-Awareness Week. We are constantly in a state of…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Live in the present and prepare for the future…a future of possibilities, relationships, hobbies, hope, and healthy and fulfilling experiences. At times, the thought of leaving one’s eating disorder can…
Work for Lasting Change
Support the Eating Disorders Coalition As an Individual EDC Member you become part of a group of concerned citizens who use their voices to influence policies that make a…
2015 Center for Change Alumni Event
“Thee lift me and I’ll lift thee and we’ll ascent together.” – Amish proverb This summer we invited the alumni of Center for Change back to Orem for a celebration…
Solid Bunny
I received a sweet email from one of my former clients reminding me of good therapy moments shared when she was here at CFC. It made me smile and remember…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, September 28, 2015 Life has ups and downs, experiences we want to forget, and moments we wish we could live in forever. Celebrate Life Week is an opportunity to…
CFC Recreation & Experiential Therapies Weekly Focus
Monday, September 21, 2015 “People whose play lives have been vibrant, have buffers against travail and suffer less when major change is thrust upon them. Play produces poise and strength….