Working with TRICARE®

Center for Change is a certified TRICARE® provider for the Residential (RTC), Partial Hospitalization (PHP), and Intensive Outpatient (IOP) levels of care.  TRICARE® offers PHP and IOP benefits for active duty service members, dependents, and retirees with no age restriction.  TRICARE® offers Residential (RTC) benefits for family members and eligible dependents of retirees through the age of 20.  We are able to accept TRICARE® for the Acute Inpatient level of care for active duty service members of any age with Command referral and authorization on a single case agreement basis.

If you, a client, or a loved one would like to pursue treatment at Center for Change, please follow these guidelines:

For PHP or IOP

  1. Call Center for Change Admissions Department at 888-224-8250

For Acute Inpatient for those in Active Duty

  1. Referral must come from the Commanding Officer
  2. Call Center for Change Admissions Department at 888-224-8250 or Fax 801-224-8301
  3. Schedule an assessment with Center for Change

For Residential (RTC) for female dependents, ages 13-20

  1. Contact TRICARE®
    • West: 844-866-9378
    • East: 800-444-5445
  2. Have an MD or PhD complete the TRICARE® referral form for treatment

    Please note: Those applicants from the West Region will need to have BOTH the family and provider applications filled out.

  3. Fax the completed TRICARE® referral forms to the number indicated on the bottom of the form
  4. Call the Admissions Department at Center for Change at 888-224-8250 to schedule an assessment

Basic Criteria for Admission:

  • Adolescent and adult females
  • Primary diagnosis of eating disorder
  • Co-existing mental and emotional illness
  • Dependents must be between 13-20 years of age for RTC (PHP/IOP benefits are available beyond age 20)
  • Dependents must have weekly family therapy with referring professional, parents, client and Center for Change therapist during treatment

Required Information from referral source:

  • Release of Information
  • Patient mental health and medical history (verbal or written)
  • Current medications
  • Recent lab results

“I am both the wife of an active duty member as well as a senior field grade officer. My eating disorder had ruined my health, career, marriage and emotional stability. CFC came alongside of me with an outstanding medical staff of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and specialists and helped me to heal. They are an amazing group of people who show unconditional love and support. I left CFC empowered, responsible for my recovery, and with a sense of purpose.  The Center for Change helped me reclaim my life.” - A military service member and former patient

Care Designed Specifically for Military Service Members and Their Families

Understanding of Military Culture - Center for Change staff members have been trained in military culture and have experience working with military service members, families and military personnel. We have a deep desire to deliver the very best care to our military, care that meets the expectations and unique demands of military culture.

Relationship With Command - We know that fitness for duty is of great importance, and that the relationship between patient, commanding officer and the treatment team is critical.  Frequent and thorough communication throughout the treatment process is a key component of care at Center for Change.

Unique Fitness and Dietary Concerns - Eating disorder illnesses often include behaviors which diminish the health and welfare of the physical body, and the readiness, or “fitness for duty,” of the military service member. At Center for Change, we have developed ways to address treatment and healing goals, while at the same time addressing the individual fitness needs of both the military service member and the requirements of the military unit.

Treating Military Family Members - We recognize and honor that spouses and children serve too, and that they are greatly impacted by the deployments of their loved ones. At Center for Change we understand the unique treatment needs of military family members, and we provide the care and support needed to progress toward recovery.

TRICARE® is a registered trademark of the Department of Defense, Defense Health Agency. All rights reserved.