Gluten-Free Food Service
Gluten-Free Food Service
Center for Change has achieved its certification as a Gluten-Free Food Service program. The Center for Change nutrition team met the rigorous standards and expectations for safety required to achieve this honor. The team is proud to serve delicious meals on a daily basis, and this designation from GFFS shows their commitment to providing quality food that meets their patients’ dietary needs.
The Gluten-Free Food Service (GFFS) audits and validates restaurants and food businesses that serve gluten-free food. The GFFS validation program is a program of the Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG), a non-profit organization that has been serving the needs of the gluten-free community for over 45 years. GIG is on a mission to make life easier for everyone living gluten-free, and NWTHS is proud to be a part of this program. Center for Change will be displaying the validated Gluten-Free Safe Spot logo throughout the hospital to represent the independent verification of quality, integrity and purity of businesses serving gluten-free food. Validation as a Gluten-Free Safe Spot establishes trust with gluten-free patrons in the ability of a facility to provide safe gluten-free food.
Established in 2009, GFFS has held its food service establishments to the highest standards. Consumers recognize that locations validated as a Gluten-Free Safe Spot serve gluten-free food that meets the non-profit GFFS’s rigorous standards and expectations for safety. GFFS validates participating establishments, from restaurants to college dining, senior living, hospitals and more, by visiting locations in-person to ensure they follow best practices for gluten-free food safety and ensure high-quality staff training.
About the Gluten Intolerance Group
GIG is a 501(c)(3) non-profit association funded by private donations, sponsorship opportunities and food safety programs. It relies on tax-deductible contributions to support its many innovative industry, service, social and awareness programs. GIG has been a highly respected leader in the gluten-free community since it was founded in 1974. In addition to more than 90 local support groups across the United States, GIG has increased its presence internationally to 47 countries. GIG empowers the gluten-free community through consumer support, advocacy and education.
The Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO), a program of GIG, is a leader in the verification of quality, integrity and purity of gluten-free products. The GFFS program is a proven model of established best practices for food service facilities offering gluten-free options. GIG is committed to ongoing food safety research to assure customers and consumers the highest level of excellence in its gluten-free programs and services.